Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Race Relations essays

Race Relations essays In a country dedicated to promoting the concept of free and eternal equally among the cultures from within and around the world. A country that sets forth policies and supports organizations dedicated to protecting people of every race and securing a future where race is no longer an issue, concern or judgement. A country that retains the mission of peacekeeping and fighting for justice to benefit ourselves and our future generations. A country of diversity and a country with a somewhat masked society, scattered throughout the country in various groups with the same compassion for this country, but with different ideologies as to our social concepts and model of diversity. Racist ideologies are found more common in our society than we believe them to be, and anti-racial organizations across Canada are fighting to eliminate this social threat and retain the peace and free will that we so eagerly promote to the world. Although the progress in retaining a more liberal and equal road in race relations throughout Canada has improved, the issue of racism is still threatening millions of people everyday. Racism is a social behaviour and a social attitude, where members of one race are seen as superior to members of all others. On account of this "supremacy", racists justify various forms of abuse perpetuated against members of the designated "inferior" races. ?Throughout history, racism was used to justify the severe exploitation of certain races. In case of Spanish exploitation of peoples of America, the rationale was that "the Indians... were not human in the same sense (as the Spanish) and that there was no need to accord to them the same treatment as to one's fellow human beings." (Britannica). Similar justification was used in the exploitation of African slaves in Canada and the United States during the 19th century. Racism was often used to achieve practical purposes. It was used to justify the severe exploitation of non-white ...

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